
Monday, June 29, 2015

Sharing Out Loud

I have a love/hate relationship with blogs.  On one hand, I know the value of blogging.  I have my students blog and I have a class blog that I use to post assignments, share class info with parents and students, and provide a place for students to share and discuss.  However, when it comes to writing my own professional blog, I struggle.

First off,  why would I share ideas and instructional practices when there are so many more talented and better qualified educators who already do it?  Secondly,  I just don't have anything original to say, therefore, no one needs me to say it.  If I'm telling students to embrace failure and I am telling teachers who come to my presentations to start blogging, then really, ahouldn't I be doing the same?

The real reason I have not blogged is because I am a perfectionist.  Both a blessing and a curse, my own fear of imperfection has kept me from doing many things in my life.  Two years ago I set up a blog.  I worked on it, produced a list of topics to discuss, tweaked colors and fonts, and then....nothing.  I couldn't come up with a title.  So I put it on the shelf until this morning.

My call to action came in the form of a challenge.  I think that Kasey Bell @ShakeUpLearning could quite possibly be my edusole mate.  She challenged us to take a risk and try something new, whether it be a blog or something else you've wanted to try, but, for one reason or another, have not.   So with her summons, I accepted the challenge, said out loud that I was going to do it, and wrote my first blog post of many to come.  How do you want to challenge yourself?

Oh, and don't be surprised if this blog title changes.  It's a work in progress, not perfection.